
Showing posts from January, 2020

How to defend against coronavirus 2?

How to defend against coronavirus 2?   In addition to the methods provided before, here is the 2 nd part. 1. If you suspect anybody being infected in a closed area such as bus or skytrain, leave the place and take next one. 2. If you are in a rush, your brain will make you to stay in the place even if you suspect someone infected. So, Leave home early. Basically, you will need to be diligent to protect yourself.

How to defend against coronavirus?

How to defend against coronavirus? You cannot see the virus, but you can minimize the chances of getting infected in addition to the known methods such as washing hands or wearing masks.  How? 1. Breath through your nose as much as possible to increase travel time for air while inhaling. 2. Inhale slowly as doing in meditation to maximize filtering by increasing contact between air and nasal cavity. 3. Blow nose (don’t blow hard) whenever you wash your hands.   4. If you have, use nasal wash to wash your nose especially at the end of the day. 5. Build concepts in biology (NOT knowledge, you know you already have knowledge about the virus and breathing). If you have concepts in biology, you can find ways to protect yourself in situations like this.

Are your teachers and professors providing the education that you are looking for? Here are the methods to classify them based on their teaching methods. Part 1

Are your teachers and professors providing the education that you are looking for? Here are the methods to classify them based on their teaching methods. Part 1 First of all, let’s check what you are looking for from the education you are getting. What are your goals? If you say that you want to get a job that you want or startup from higher position in a company after graduation, you will probably need high GPA. In this case, you don’t need to evaluate or categorize your teachers or professors since most of them are all capable of providing knowledge. But, if you would like to learn ‘how to make a decision’, ‘how to be a leader’ or ‘independent thinker’, then you will need to categorize them to make sure what you are learning because not all teachers or professors are able to teach the skills that you need to learn. In fact, it is rare to fine the teachers or professors who can teach these skills. I will divide them in 3 major groups and start from the lowest level which