Emotions and brain development

 Emotions and brain development


There are two ways for the brain to processes information. 


One is with emotions. 


When you are in a room with candles lit and loving one waiting, you feel romantic.

When someone nags you, you get annoyed and angry.


Processing information with the brain part that deals with emotions is common. 


However, education is for learners to process information with logic. 


Development of projects, solving problems etc. need to be based on reasoning and logical brain part needs to be developed for these activities. 


Therefore, education is to develop logical thinking process rather than emotion. 


Processing information with emotions is a common feature of animals’ brains because all animals with brains also process information with emotions. 


Development of logical thinking process can hardly be expected once emotion kicked in.


If your day was full of moments of being annoyed, angry and even furious, it means that you lived the day with an animal brain. Not human. 


- PonderEd, where the education for logical thinking process can be developed! -


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