How to increase protection from coronavirus? - summarized

How to increase protection from coronavirus?

These methods can be used to increase protection from coronavirus in addition to the known methods such as washing hands.

The best way to fight coronavirus is to prevent it from spreading. Due to the characteristics of viral infections, not only you but the people around you have to be protected as well. So, for your own safety, educate others so that they can also be protected. 

To increase protection,

I. Stay active

When a person gets infected by virus or bacteria, the body temperature increases. The known reason is to slowdown reproduction of virus or bacteria and boost the immune system (army) in human body. So, in order to protect yourself, you will need to warmup the army in your body. To warmup the army, literally, warmup (increase body temperature) your body even if the difference is very little. 

In addition to the immune system, it has been hypothesized that bats are not affected by the virus because their body temperature is higher than human. 


1. Be diligent   
Diligent meaning being active (proactive). Don’t be passive. Do everything actively. Even when you are sitting in a chair, make your body active by making your back straight. 

2. Exercise regularly
Exercise will increase your stamina and body temperature.

3. Prepare unexpected by planning your day
Preparing and planning ahead will provide rooms for you to troubleshoot when unexpected things happen. For example, by leaving early for school or work, you can get off the bus if you suspect anyone in the bus is infected. If you are in rush, your logical brain might say ‘get off the bus and take the next one!’ But your body might not follow the logical judgement because you are in rush.

II. Use your body to defend yourself

Fighting viral infection (or any other infections) is a race against time and enemy number plays big role. Higher number of enemy means that your chances of winning decreases. So, you will need to reduce the number of incoming virus by using the defence system in your by in addition to get your immune system ready.


1. Breathe through your nose
            Virus moves with moisture. If you breathe air through mouth, it will go through the neck and finally to the lungs faster than breathing through nose. To increase passage for virus to travel, inhale air through your nose. In addition to the travel length and time, your nose has defense mechanisms such as hair and mucus. They will try to catch foreign substances. In this way, you could reduce the number of enemies coming in to your lungs.  

2. Breathe slowly as you meditate
            Increasing the speed of air traveling to your lung will reduce chances for the foreign substances to be filtered. So, inhaling slowly as if you are meditating. In this way, you will be able to increase contact surfaces for nose to filter more.

3. Blow your nose often to remove any foreign substances filtered by nose. 

III. Do not share the virus

If any of your family members or friends is having symptoms, try to protect yourself first instead of sharing. When a person gets sick, he/she needs support. If you are being infected together, you wouldn’t be able to support the person when he/she needs you. 

Being heathy is the way of supporting others that you care!


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