
Showing posts from February, 2020

One of the simplest techniques to avoid similarity in your writing

One of the simplest techniques to avoid similarity in your writing The best way to avoid similarity in your writing is building and connecting concepts by yourself. But it requires systematic training and only place provides the training to build and connect concepts in the world is PonderEd ( ). If you are a student, you might need to write a paper before building these skills. So, I am providing a very simple technique that you can use. With this, you can avoid similarity in your writing. Here goes the method Step 1. Copy a paragraph from a reference. The following statement is from WHO (     e.g.) Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV)  and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) . A novel coronavirus (nCoV)  is a new strain tha...

The reason that you cannot develop power of thinking by learning knowledge

  Learning knowledge wouldn’t do much for your brain development.   Brainpower is coming from a series of thought processes that include data collection or observation of a phenomenon, analysis of the data or observation, prediction, and decision making.   But what learning knowledge requires is simple understanding. Because of missing thought process, you won’t be able to develop your brain power of thinking.   In order to develop thinking power, you will need to train yourself with the methods provided by PonderEd ( ).

How to increase protection from coronavirus? - summarized

How to increase protection from coronavirus? These methods can be used to increase protection from coronavirus in addition to the known methods such as washing hands. The best way to fight coronavirus is to prevent it from spreading. Due to the characteristics of viral infections, not only you but the people around you have to be protected as well. So, for your own safety, educate others so that they can also be protected.  To increase protection, I. Stay active When a person gets infected by virus or bacteria, the body temperature increases. The known reason is to slowdown reproduction of virus or bacteria and boost the immune system (army) in human body. So, in order to protect yourself, you will need to warmup the army in your body. To warmup the army, literally, warmup (increase body temperature) your body even if the difference is very little.  In addition to the immune system, it has been hypothesized that bats are not affected by the virus bec...