
Showing posts from March, 2021

Racism & discrimination, why?


Want to be successful? Set goals to achieve. Not the outcomes you want.

  Life is competitive. If you don’t win, you will lose. To win, you need to achieve goals. To achieve goals, you need to set the goals to achieve. There are two different types of goals. 1. Goals that make you sit back, relax and hoping for success. 2. Goals that make you be proactive to achieve the goals.   If you are a person who doesn’t want to get involved in competition, the first type might be suitable. But remember. If you set goals that make you sit back and relax, you could live slave like life because you wouldn’t be able to achieve nothing. If you are a person who wants to be like Steve Jobs who started the Apple company, you need to set 2 nd types of goals. Here are details. Type 1. Goals that make you sit back, relax and hoping for success Example) My goal is – ‘graduate college, get a good job and live good life!’ As you are hoping for good life, you could live good slave like life. Because, good job and good life means happy and comfortable life...

Life is a final match

  Life is a final match   Competition starts before a person even born. Because only one sperm out of millions can fertilize an egg. Thus, every single person is a winner.   Only people who won the race come to the world. Thus, the life is a final match where all the winners compete to win.   But not all can be part of the final match. To be part of the game, one has to have skills to challenge and compete.   The game of human life is based on thinking process.   Everybody was born with courage to challenge for the competition because competition begun before even born. But not all possess thinking skills to win. This is why developing brain power of thinking through education.   The desirer to be in part of the final match cries out to study hard from inside. But it is not easy to study.   The reason is that the goal of study is focused on ‘happy and comfortable life’. Study is to challenge and compet...